Friday, March 2, 2012

Da New Guys - Day of the Jackass Walkthrough

-Knock out the others
-Pick up the table
-Enter the ring
-Lift the table
-Leave the ring
-Pull on the table
-Re-enter the ring
-Pick up the title
-Escape the mob
-Talk your way out of the hallway
-Enter the open window
-Pick up the remote
-Use the remote on the TV set while Mr. Pencilwood is drinking
-Climb out of the window
-Shimmy to the far-left window
-Open the window
-Take the pills
-Return to the lounge
-Pour the pills into the cola
-Leave the room to the right
-Retrieve the ticket
-Leave the apartment
-Visit Ice Cold's house
-Talk to Ice Cold until the fire appears
-Try to leave, then tell Ice to turn around
-Take the wastepaper basket
-Use the fish tank
-Get the other half of the ticket
-Head to the arena
-Enter the main entrance
-Go through the door to the backstage area
-Take the clean cloth from the bucket
-Head to Brain's bedroom
-Dip the cloth in the tub of hair gel
-Shut the door
-Take the golf club
-Return to the backstage
-Head right to reach the stage entrance
-Turn the crank
-Use the greasy cloth with the crank
-Turn the crank
-Use the golf club with the ladder
-Climb the ladder
-Examine the ticket
-Use the device on the wall
-Choose the correct seat (Section C, 6 seats up, 3 rows back)
-Climb back down
-Exit right onto the stage
-Search the lit seat
-Get Horace's picture signed
-Return to the lobby
-Talk to Horace and agree to sign his fan art
-Return to the apartment
-Ask Simon to sign the fan art
-Enter Brain's room
-Open the desk's right-hand drawer to get the signature stamp
-Go to the car park
-Press the stamp on the drainpipe
-Press the stamp on the fan art
-Return to the Wrestle Zone
-Give the fan art back to Horace
-Go backstage to the gym
-Take the mirror from the gym bag
-Tell Mayhem his fans are outside
-Take the picture
-Put the mirror onto the punchbag
-Put the fan art onto the punchbag
-Wait for Mayhem to return
-Take the fan art
-Return to the lobby
-Give Horace the fan art
-Locate Mr O'Sullivan
-Give the ticket to Clarice, the desk clerk
-Head to the locker room
-Open Defender's locker
-Take the wraps
-Go upstairs
-Enter O'Sullivan's office
-Inspect the calendar
-Search the filing cabinet
-Read the "Rough Neck, The" file
-Head to the bar
-Look through the basement window
-Enter the bar
-Talk to the barman about everything
-Beat Muscles at arm-wrestling
-Return to O'Sullivan's office
-Take the small key on the desk
-Return to the lobby
-Unlock the display case with the small key
-Inspect the display case
-Take the hand buzzer
-Head to the apartment
-Show the buzzer to Simon
-Ask Simon for the car keys
-Use the bookshelf to get Brain's autobiography
-Head to the bar
-Examine the television
-Return to the flat
-Ask Simon for the remote
-Try to leave
-Give Simon the golf club
-Return to the bar
-Use the remove on the TV
-Take the magazine in the patron's pocket
-Give the book to the patron
-Return to the apartment
-Give the magazine to Simon
-Head to the car park
-Open the bonnet
-Use the hand buzzer on the car
-Put the buzzer in the wraps
-Return to the bar
-Challenge Muscles
-Use the hand-buzzer with Muscles
-Get the manager's attention
-Head downstairs
-"Distract" O'Sullivan
-Take the tub of ketchup
-Hide the ketchup in the robes
-"Insult" O'Sullivan
-Learn the ticket details
-Head back to the Wrestle Zone
-Talk to Clarice
-Tell her the password
-Use the inspector's card with the telephone
-Deceive the guard
-Use the business card on the panel beside the payphone
-Remove the lower left wire
-Remove the lower right wire
-Attach the lower right wire to the lower left wire
-Attach the paperclip to the wires
-Tell Simon to wait by the phone
-Knock on the guard's window
-Tell him you have a pizza delivery
-Match the pizza topping
-Enter the car
-Enter the main complex
-Enter the security office
-Talk to Simon
-Ask Eddie about everything
-Look at the CCTV monitor
-Cycle cameras until you get the courtyard
-Press the "Zoom" button
-Use the directional buttons to close-in on the keypad
-Tell Eddie about the guard
-Head through the archway
-Enter the code into the panel
-Reach Smiley's cell
-Head east
-Head south
-Avoid the guards
-Pick up the wire
-Follow the corridor anti-clockwise
-Talk to the prisoner
-Follow the corridor anti-clockwise
-Go into the locker room
-Pick up the letter
-Fill the sink with water
-Dip the wire into the sink
-Attach the wire to the socket
-Attach the wire to McUrk's locker
-Take the teddy
-Return to the cell
-Give the teddy to the prisoner
-Ask the prisoner to distract the guard
-Wait for the guard to be called over by the prisoner
-Sneak up behind the guard
-Use the magnet with the guard
-Go to the warden's office
-Unlock the door with the guard's key
-Pick up the keycard
-Return to the corridor
-Deal with Smiley Joe
-Go to the lift
-Swipe the card in the slot
-Cross the maze
-Use the control panel
-Turn on the lightswitch
-Talk with Smiley Joe until Simon gives you a choice
-Accept Smiley's release
-Escape the prison
-Search the lift for the flashlight
-Exit the lift
-Search the junk pile
-Enter the passageway
-Follow the tunnel getting colder
-Defeat Grimheimer
-Ski onto a ramp
-Punch Grimheimer three times
-While Grimheimer blocks, pull the throttle stick
-Reach the monument
-Head to the park
-Pick up a waterlilly
-Place the magnet on the leaf
-Place the leaf on the pond
-Take the far-left path
-Come up with a new plan
-Take the colouring pencils
-Go into Brain's bedroom
-Use the pencils on Brain's poster
-Add a ponytail
-Add oval glasses
-Remove the facial hair
-Distract Mr. O'Sullivan
-Go to the Wrestle Zone
-Enter the locker room
-Open Brain's locker
-Take the cheese wedge
-Leave the locker room
-Prop the exit open with the cheese wedge
-Go to the Wrestle Zone
-Go backstage through the open door
-Head upstairs to O'Sullivan's office
-Ask O'Sullivan for the weapons locker key
-Head to the stage entrance
-Unlock the locker with the key
-Take the noose
-Go to Cosmic Burger
-Enter the restaurant
-Ask for a Tall Terrestial Taco
-Use the noose on the camera
-Go to Cosmic Burger
-Enter the restaurant
-Ask for a Cosmic Kids Meal
-Put the money in the slot
-Take the meal
-Use the meal on the van
-Give the scotch to Simon
-Go to the Wrestle Zone
-Head to O'Sullivan's office
-Give the scotch to O'Sullivan
-Find some coke-bottle glasses
-Go to the beach
-Interact with the glasses
-Ask Horace for his glasses
-Go to Cosmic Burger
-Enter the restaurant
-Ask for a Cadet Cola
-Put the money in the slot
-Take the cola
-Head to the Wrestle Zone
-Buy a ticket from Eddie
-Go outside
-Try to take the ticket
-Head backstage
-Put the money in the vending machine
-Go to the Wrestle Zone
-Head backstage
-Kick the vending machine
-Take the fizzy mints
-Go outside
-Go into the gym
-Pour the cola down the plug
-Drop a mint down the drain
-Give the ticket to Brain
-Go back to the beach
-Give the ticket to Horace
-Make a ponytail substitute
-Head to the apartment
-Enter Brain's bedroom
-Take the sock
-Go to the bar
-Head down to the bar's basement
-Climb onto the stacked barrels
-Open the window
-Climb down from the barrels
-Go to the window outside the bar
-Drop the sock through the window
-Take the sock
-Dip the sock in emulsion
-Find a hat
-Head to the beach
-Repeatedly turn off the music
-Take the stereo
-Go to the Wrestle Zone
-Head to O'Sullivan's office
-Open the CD player
-Take the CD
-Put the CD in the stereo
-Give Simon the stereo
-Head to The Rough Neck
-Talk to the barman
-Play the stereo for the barman
-Take the barman's hat
-Return home
-Give Clarice the ponytail
-Give Clarice the hat
-Return home
-Give Clarice the glasses
-Beat Surly
-In the ring, ask to be kicked
-On the outer mat, asked to be kicked
-In the ring, ask to be kicked
-By the ramp, suggest Surly has a drink
-Walk to the right side of the outer ring
-Pick up the table debris
-In the ring, ask for an uppercut
-Use the table leg with the hook
-Drop the sandbag
-Pull the lever
-Use the table leg with the hook
-Go back to the ramp
-Put the knockout pills in the drink
-Suggest Surly has another drink
-Attack Smiley
-Save Clarice
-Head to the lobby
-REFUSE Surly when he's beserk
-STALL Surly when he's angry
-SYMPATHISE Surly when he's neutral
-REASON with Surly when he's sad
-Stop the van
-Slow down to Simon
-Shout to Simon
-Open the bonnet
-Climb onto the van's roof
-Throw the gun to Brain
-Shoot the tyre
-Approach Smiley Joe

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